


Realtime Cricket Match Generator

Unity3D, Blender
The cross platform app takes cricket text-commentary as input and generates live streaming of Cricket Match.

The app was developed for Inout7.0 hackathon and bagged second position.



File Scanning, Editing and Sharing App

React-native, Django
Ikai can scan, edit multimedia, share in both online and offline mode and has the chat feature to facilitate smooth remote collaboration.

The app was developed for HAB59 hackathon and bagged the first prize in Office Productivity Category.



Open Source Status Page

Pinger is an uptime and status monitoring app with pluggable probes, storage backends and alerts.

I developed the alert system to send notifications on slack, discord and mail when status of a test changes.



Machine Learning Competitions' Platform

Cerebro is a platform for predictive modeling and analytics competitions.

I worked on the React based UI to implement lazy loading in the website and optimise load time.



Key-Value Store

Kiwi is a minimalistic in-memory key-value store written in Go.
I implemented function to add JSON support for storing the values in JSON format and using them in GoLang format from a stored file.


Canteen Pre-ordering System

HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL
I spearheaded the development of a pre-ordering system in campus canteens for Winter of Code 2019.
Students order in advance and the canteen manager updates their order statuses. The order and order status are dynamically rendered.




Jan 2020-Present
SDSLabs fosters technical activities in the campus. As part of the group, we develop software to be used by general public, organize lectures, competitions and hackathons.
Under the hood of the group, I've worked on:
  1. Pinger: An open source uptime and status monitoring app with pluggable probes, storage backends and alerts. I developed the alert system for this project which sends alerts on slack, mail and discord when the status of a test changes.
  2. Kiwi: In memory key-value store written in Go. I worked on adding JSON compatibility to the project by adding the option to store data in JSON and use it from a JSON file in the application.

Public Lab

Outreachy Intern

May-August 2020
I worked on revamping and relaunching many parts of the Public Lab Website, in particular, the WYSIWYG Editor and improving scalability, ease of contribution and maintenance of the projects.

I successfully completed two major tasks and coordinated the succeeding release notes:
  1. Integrating E2E test suite in the Editor project using Jest-Puppeteer.
  2. Decoupling several nested libraries that had compatibility issues in the Woofmark library.


  • Outreachy

    May-August 2020

    Selected as an Outreachy intern and worked on fortification of Public Lab Editor and improving scalability, ease of contribution and maintenance.

  • HAB59 Hackathon

    August 2020

    Won first prize in the Office Productivity Category in HAB59 Hackathon with our app ikai. It can scan, edit and share multimedia to make remote collaboration easier.

  • Inout 7.0

    January 2021

    First Runner up at Inout 7.0 with CricLive. It grabs live cricket text-commentary and recreates the match using animations.

  • To be

Shreyaa Sharma